Open to progress that safeguards people, the environment, society and the surroundings.
Peace of mind and safety for a sustainable future.

ISEO considers sustainability fundamental to the growth and development of its business. In the pursuit of a more balanced integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions, our strategic focus has increasingly aligned with priorities such as customer satisfaction, wellbeing and inclusion of individuals, social development of the community, as well as respect for the environment and energy saving.

Its strategic vision enables the company to meet the new climate and social global challenges for a better world today and for future generations.

ISEO promotes the Sustainable Development Goals.

ISEO's commitment to economic growth that is virtuous, fair, environmentally friendly and consistent with human and labour rights is reflected in its daily actions inspired by the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals. This entails responsible choices in supply chain definition, as well as decarbonisation process through massive use of renewable energy. People are also central with continuous improvement actions in the areas of health, safety and work balance, and the attention to the community is proven with the mitigation of industrial impacts and the promotion of local culture and sport. Lastly, integrity is considered a lever for the success of its economic activity through the adoption of the Code of Ethics and cooperation with bodies, organisations, institutions and authorities.

Code of Ethics

To support and actively encourage the dissemination of its fundamental principles and values, ISEO has adopted its own Code of Ethics to guide all its actions with integrity, social responsibility and transparency.

The Code of Ethics reflects the company's deep commitment to ensuring respect for the common good, while also helping to build a positive working environment.

An Integrated Management System.

At ISEO, the Integrated Management System has been developed in accordance with the international requirements of ISO 9001, 14001, 50001, 45001, 27001, SA 8000 and UNI/PdR 125:2022.

The Integrated Management System empowers ISEO to incorporate its values and progress towards achieving sustainability goals. This approach involves addressing various aspects. Firstly, a dedicated emphasis on compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Secondly, there is a strong focus on a proper management of risks and opportunities to support business continuity.

ISEO places emphasis on maintaining the quality of products and processes, as well as the importance of the choice of materials and of the supply chain. Energy conservation is another key principle, along with the promotion of health and safety in the workplace and inclusion, fairness and equal opportunities for all. ISEO actively engages also in supporting social activities in the local community and to progressively reducing the impact of production processes on the environment.

See all the certifications
ISEO recognises the need for a proactive transition to a regenerative, low-carbon economy that creates social value. This is why it is committed to minimising and mitigating the footprint generated by its activities on the environment. Furthermore, it actively promotes the development of solutions to improve its performance by favouring the use of innovative resources. In order to minimise waste, raw materials are procured on the basis of production needs. ISEO mainly uses electricity, some of which is self-generated through photovoltaic panels, and the use of water resources is limited to supply needs for drinking and civil use.
ISEO's growth also depends on its ability to attract and retain people with differentiated and complementary skills and leaders capable of driving business evolution, promoting sustainable success through the creation of shared long-term value.
Health, safety and wellbeing
For ISEO, the safety, protection and promotion of health, together with individual wellbeing, are fundamental values that permeate every aspect of its activities. This principle is not only applied to employees, but is extended with the same dedication to all companies, suppliers and local communities which ISEO interacts with. In line with this commitment, the company ensures a continuous and adequate training process for its entire staff, thus contributing to a safe, healthy and aware working environment.
Relations with the community

ISEO chooses to play a fundamental role in the sustainable development of the territory, promoting and supporting social, cultural and sporting initiatives. Actions that are part of the sustainability path undertaken and that meet the spirit of the 2030 Agenda. Consistent with its values, ISEO promotes and develops its sustainability policy in order to spread the culture of social responsibility.