Ein umfassendes System
Mit der Umsetzung eines integrierten Managementsystems untermauert ISEO ihr Bekenntnis zu internationalen Standards. Mit dem Coporate-Projekt werden die zahlreichen ISO-Zertifizierungen optimiert und in einer einzigen Unternehmenszertifizierung gebündelt. Zugleich werden die Besonderheiten der einzelnen Unternehmensstandorte berücksichtigt, globale Zertifizierungen gehen Hand in Hand mit lokalen.
Zertifizierungen unseres Unternehmens

The ISO 45001 standard is the first international standard which establishes the minimum standards for occupational health and safety management. By obtaining this certification also at corporate level for some of its branches, ISEO confirms itself as a reliable, safety-oriented brand and underlines its ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.

ISEO confirms its ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability by obtaining the voluntary ISO 14001 certification also at corporate level for several sites. This recognition represents a significant milestone in the realization of its vision of a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

The main purpose of ISO 9001 is to ensure customer satisfaction with the products and services provided, while simultaneously promoting continuous improvement in company performance. By achieving ISO 9001 certification - also extended on a corporate level for several branches - ISEO proves its determination to exceed customer expectations by consolidating its reputation as a reliable and quality-oriented partner and demonstrates its continuous dedication to operational excellence.

ISO 27001 establishes global requirements for corporate information security management, offering guidelines for planning, implementing, monitoring and continuously improving information security systems. ISEO's achievement of ISO 27001 certification also at corporate level confirms its priority commitment to information and data management and protection.

ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard, setting out the requirements for establishing, managing and improving a company's energy efficiency and consumption. By obtaining certification for the company ISEO Deutschland and especially for its Headquarters in Pisogne, ISEO demonstrates a tangible commitment to sustainable energy management.

Dieses Dokument – das für alle Geschäftssitze von ISEO gilt – beinhaltet klare Richtlinien und Kanäle für die sichere und gesetzeskonforme Meldung von fragwürdigem Verhalten. Die Kultur des Whistleblowing stärkt die ethische Verantwortung und trägt zur Verbesserung des Arbeitsumfelds bei. ISEO verpflichtet sich, jegliche Meldung vertraulich und verantwortungsvoll zu behandeln. Zur Whistleblowing-Plattform
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